Posting pertama setelah sekian lamaaaa :D
Baru saja Tryout mandiri.. ngerjain soal-soal SNMPTN Bahasa Inggris. Dan saya tertarik dengan salah satu artikel yang ada di buku kumpulan soal SNMPTN ini..
Monggo dibaca...
We all know that mobile phones, cellphones, handphones whatever we want to call them are changing our lives. But it takes a good old-fashioned survey to wake us up to the glaring reality: they have changed who we are. The mobile phone has indeed changed the way we behave. But perhaps we don't realize how much we have become its slave. Consider other elements of the Siemens. Mobile Survey: With the exception of Australia, in every country surveyed the majority polled said they would go back for their phone if they left it at home (in Australia it was a respectable 39%). If you've endured the traffic, people in Indonesia, the Philippines, and India, you'll know what kind of sacrifice some two-thirds of those surveyed are making. I can't think of anything I would go back for -- except my wallet, maybe, or my clothes.
And even if we remember to bring it, we're still not happy. Many of us get anxious if it hasn't rung or a text message hasn't appeared for a while (a while being about an hour). Once again of those surveyed Indonesians (65%) and Filipinos (77%) get particularly jittery. Australians are more laid back about this (20%), but every other user in Asia seems to be glancing at the phone every few seconds. This statistic, I have to say is highly believable, and the instinct highly annoying. There's nothing worse than chatting to someone who constantly checks his or her handphone.
Then there's the fact that mobile phones are not only enslaving the user, but also trampling the rights of everyone else. Around a third of folk surveyed, acknowledge they get so engrossed in mobile conversations that they're often unaware of speaking loudly while discussing their private lives in public. At least most of us agree on one thing: With the exception of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, the increasing use of mobile phones has led to a decline us courtesy and considerate behavior.
The bottom line here is that we are more than a little bit out of control. Mobile phones are great: but if we allow them to dominate our lives to this extent -- interrupting conversations with those around us to take a call, staring at our phones rather than relating to the world and people around us, sending flirty text messages to random numbers -- then I can only assume that in another 10 years, society as we know it will no longer exist. All we'll see is a blur of digital data going out and having all the fun, socializing, falling in love, and taking sneaky pictures of each other.
[taken from FOKUS SNMPTN IPA, page 117)
Fiuh, rampung juga ngetiknya.
Jujur, saya merasa agak tersindir habis baca artikel ini. Hehe, soalnya saya masih sering sebel juga kalau HaPe sepi SMS [walau mungkin nggak kelihatan sebelnya]. Masih sering juga bolak-balik cek HaPe kalau lagi nggak ada kerjaan atau lagi nunggu temen sendirian di tempat umum. Secara tak sadar, saya telah diperbudak oleh benda mati yang besarnya hanya segenggaman tangan :|
Tapiii... HaPe itu tetep aja penting untuk kehidupan seseorang era kini. HaPe bisa mempermudah komunikasi saat mobile. Bahkan sekarang HaPe [dengan SIM card tertentu] bisa digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran di supermarket, bioskop, loket tiket kereta, dll.
Lagi-lagi, kembali ke kita sebagai pengguna. Bisakah kita memanfaatkan HaPe dengan bijak?
Jadi inget beberapa guru saya... Mereka prihatin, mayoritas pelajar sekarang lebih suka baca SMS daripada baca buku pelajaran. Pelajar lebih suka manfaatin waktu luang buat SMSan daripada buat belajar. Bahkan banyak juga pelajar yang curi-curi waktu SMSan saat pelajaran di kelas. Nggak cuma SMSan ding, update status, ngetwit, plus berbalas comment juga! Ckckck...
"...kalau ada anak yang duduk anteng sendirian, pas dideketin, pasti dia lagi khusyuk maen HaPe..." begitu kurang lebih kata tentor bimbel saya.
Sekedar mengingatkan... Ayo bersikap bijak dalam menggunakan HaPe!! Jangan cuma buat SMSan gak jelas dan social networking terus-terusan!! HaPe bukan cuma alat komunikasi lhoo.. kan bisa juga dipakai untuk cari informasi yang bermanfaat [browsing berita] dan sharing hal-hal yang bermanfaat [lewat blog misalnya].
Jangan terlalu ketergantungan sama HaPe juga tapi... Tingkatkan juga budaya membaca buku! Tingkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal dengan bergaul di luar dunia maya! :)
Baru saja Tryout mandiri.. ngerjain soal-soal SNMPTN Bahasa Inggris. Dan saya tertarik dengan salah satu artikel yang ada di buku kumpulan soal SNMPTN ini..
Monggo dibaca...
We all know that mobile phones, cellphones, handphones whatever we want to call them are changing our lives. But it takes a good old-fashioned survey to wake us up to the glaring reality: they have changed who we are. The mobile phone has indeed changed the way we behave. But perhaps we don't realize how much we have become its slave. Consider other elements of the Siemens. Mobile Survey: With the exception of Australia, in every country surveyed the majority polled said they would go back for their phone if they left it at home (in Australia it was a respectable 39%). If you've endured the traffic, people in Indonesia, the Philippines, and India, you'll know what kind of sacrifice some two-thirds of those surveyed are making. I can't think of anything I would go back for -- except my wallet, maybe, or my clothes.
And even if we remember to bring it, we're still not happy. Many of us get anxious if it hasn't rung or a text message hasn't appeared for a while (a while being about an hour). Once again of those surveyed Indonesians (65%) and Filipinos (77%) get particularly jittery. Australians are more laid back about this (20%), but every other user in Asia seems to be glancing at the phone every few seconds. This statistic, I have to say is highly believable, and the instinct highly annoying. There's nothing worse than chatting to someone who constantly checks his or her handphone.
Then there's the fact that mobile phones are not only enslaving the user, but also trampling the rights of everyone else. Around a third of folk surveyed, acknowledge they get so engrossed in mobile conversations that they're often unaware of speaking loudly while discussing their private lives in public. At least most of us agree on one thing: With the exception of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, the increasing use of mobile phones has led to a decline us courtesy and considerate behavior.
The bottom line here is that we are more than a little bit out of control. Mobile phones are great: but if we allow them to dominate our lives to this extent -- interrupting conversations with those around us to take a call, staring at our phones rather than relating to the world and people around us, sending flirty text messages to random numbers -- then I can only assume that in another 10 years, society as we know it will no longer exist. All we'll see is a blur of digital data going out and having all the fun, socializing, falling in love, and taking sneaky pictures of each other.
[taken from FOKUS SNMPTN IPA, page 117)
Fiuh, rampung juga ngetiknya.
Jujur, saya merasa agak tersindir habis baca artikel ini. Hehe, soalnya saya masih sering sebel juga kalau HaPe sepi SMS [walau mungkin nggak kelihatan sebelnya]. Masih sering juga bolak-balik cek HaPe kalau lagi nggak ada kerjaan atau lagi nunggu temen sendirian di tempat umum. Secara tak sadar, saya telah diperbudak oleh benda mati yang besarnya hanya segenggaman tangan :|
Tapiii... HaPe itu tetep aja penting untuk kehidupan seseorang era kini. HaPe bisa mempermudah komunikasi saat mobile. Bahkan sekarang HaPe [dengan SIM card tertentu] bisa digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran di supermarket, bioskop, loket tiket kereta, dll.
Lagi-lagi, kembali ke kita sebagai pengguna. Bisakah kita memanfaatkan HaPe dengan bijak?
Jadi inget beberapa guru saya... Mereka prihatin, mayoritas pelajar sekarang lebih suka baca SMS daripada baca buku pelajaran. Pelajar lebih suka manfaatin waktu luang buat SMSan daripada buat belajar. Bahkan banyak juga pelajar yang curi-curi waktu SMSan saat pelajaran di kelas. Nggak cuma SMSan ding, update status, ngetwit, plus berbalas comment juga! Ckckck...
"...kalau ada anak yang duduk anteng sendirian, pas dideketin, pasti dia lagi khusyuk maen HaPe..." begitu kurang lebih kata tentor bimbel saya.
Sekedar mengingatkan... Ayo bersikap bijak dalam menggunakan HaPe!! Jangan cuma buat SMSan gak jelas dan social networking terus-terusan!! HaPe bukan cuma alat komunikasi lhoo.. kan bisa juga dipakai untuk cari informasi yang bermanfaat [browsing berita] dan sharing hal-hal yang bermanfaat [lewat blog misalnya].
Jangan terlalu ketergantungan sama HaPe juga tapi... Tingkatkan juga budaya membaca buku! Tingkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal dengan bergaul di luar dunia maya! :)