Hurray....! It's holiday, dude!! I'm happy to have a free day besides Friday....! 
Hmph... But, I have so many things to do. Here they are:
Hmph... But, I have so many things to do. Here they are:
- Do my geography homework
- Do my lab work report
- Prepare for economy test
- Prepare for ICT test
- Prepare for Chemistry test
- Prepare for Aqidah test
- Prepare for PKN test
- Make a slide show for tafsir
- etc, etc, etc
Huft.... the big problem I'm having now is: LAZINESS!!!
Uhh, how can I do all the things I wanna do if I become so lazy?!?!?! Allah, please help me....
When I'm lazy, I can't use my time effectively. Huhuhu
, I do want to do many things....!! Please help me to drive out this goofy laziness!! Motivate me!!
When I'm lazy, I can't use my time effectively. Huhuhu
Rasulullah SAS bersabda, "Gunakan masa mudamu sebelum masa tuamu, masa luangmu sebelum datang masa sempitmu, masa sehatmu sebelum masa sakitmu, masa kayamu sebelum miskinmu dan masa hidupmu sebelum matimu” (HR. Ahmad, An Nasa’i dan Al Baihaqiy).

aduh, masih SMA sudah padat begituh homework-nya... ^___^
BalasHapusiyyaa, nich....
BalasHapusbelum lagi masih banyak hal laen yang pingin saya lakukan diluar pelajaran skul.... ex: pingin ikut lomba karya tulis....
hmph... anyway, it's okay.... I will always try to do the best.... :)